

It's a shame that this dropped at the time it did, because it really felt like a good first album overshadowed by even bigger achievements.


  1. UnAlive: Feels like the intro to her very own anime. It's definitley grown on me in the past few years especially as I realized this was her way of asserting that she's still her own person behind the avatar.
  2. 「Q」: Always been a big fan of Mori and Gura's dynamic and the DMC homages in the MV are cool as fuck
  3. Dead on Arrival: Her using this as placeholder music for the henshin intro nowadays makes me wish it would get its own official MV
  4. Graveyard Shift: Boogey Voxx killed it here, Ci and Mori complement each other so well and Fra's rapping is insane
  5. Lose-Lose Days: I feel like this song really shows just how much Mori wants to lift other people up -her genmates, her fans, the rest of her peers- even at their lowest point.
  6. HUGE W: Dubstep's not my thing really but I've warmed up to this one a fair bit over the years
  7. Resting Power: I love both the 2000's-style beat and her willingness to dance on the edge of kayfabe here. Probably my favorite track off the whole album.
  8. Scuffed Up Age: If Lose-Lose Days is about Mori wanting to lift others up during dark times, this feels like her wanting to do the same to herself.
  9. Ouroboros: Sounds like a medieval ballad, and much like Live Again it fits perfectly as the outro.